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Comentarii ale participantilor la YO DX HF 2006

partea I

Alex Panoiu YO9HP

2E0ATY: Good contest. Limited time due to work.

G0VQR: Sorry I only managed the last hour. See you next year.

G3GLL: Low band conditions very noisy with qrn high.

IK2IKW: Many stations on air – compliments.

K0COP: YO stations were heard but very difficult to make qso's. Not much time available for me during the test period.

M3CVN: Another commitment meant most of Saturday evening lost. Decided to get to 100 QSO’s then carry on later in the night! How close to 200 QSO's and 65k can u get!!!

ON4CAS: I'm an avid award hunter... as I read an award was available for making at least 100 QSOs I couldn't resist hi... Vy 73 es CUAGN next year.


PA0MIR: Sorry too little time to give a better result but enjoyed the contest anyway. Always pleased to contact old friends again, so see you all next year.

PH4U: nice contest - not much YO stations unfortunately - even some non YO stations cannot be worked ?? (RW3SY) unsportmanslike - maybe this is NEW HAM-spirit ?? If this goes on - count me out !- do not like to waste my time - maybe ?? till the next time ?? 73 de Dan PH4U

YB0DPO: Bands condition is poor, not a serious effort, but I enjoy this contest. I hope I can participate again next year. Thanks to all for the QSO.73! Dudy

YO9HG: Propagare infecta.

DL3KWF: Log and application for the special award ROMANIA.



YO6BHN: QRN in tot timpul concursului. Am operat fara 80m, antena nu a fost inca montata. Poate pina in toamna. Participare buna din partea statiilor straine, desi participarea YO in concursurile internationale nu este pe masura posibilitatilor. 73, Joska

YO5TP: Propagare slaba!!

ON6NW: I enjoyed the contest, but could not fully participate. Just made 125 QSO’s. Enclosed my log. I would appreciate it if you could let me have the ROMANIA award, for which I qualify. 73s & tks. Walter

W3BP: Thanks for the contest. Poor conditions here.

SP6BAA: Thank You for the nice participation. CUAGN in next YEAR.

IV3SKB: This year I work only 12 hours not full, also is impossible to combat whith RD3A in my category SOP- 20 m !! Many YO station on band. Ciao, Andrea

DL1LAW: Vy qrn, but a fine contest agn, Tnx & Best 73!

G3VQO: Not much time to spare for radio this weekend, but an enjoyable contest despite poor conditions.

HA5LZ: Many thanks for a super contest! Sri but condx is poor - QRM-QRN!

JA1FWY: It was bad conditions. But I did enjoy operating. See you again next year. Thank you.

MU0FAL: Thanks to SD Software I was able to make a small effort with not much time for radio activity.

PA0WKI: Fine contest. Thanks for your ham spirit. 73 de WIM.

PA3FMC: In the start I had some problems with moisture in the antenna feed line, after replacing it I enjoyed this contest very much. I noticed the working condx where below normal. Most qso's where in cw because there was much more cw activity than phone. Thanks for the contest hope to meet you all again next year.

YO2/DL1CW: New radio gave up after 18 Hours, afterwards with the old one I finished. Bad CONDX on high bands and no antenna for 80M.

YO3JW: Greu cu antena Omni si 100 W.

YO5FMT: Propagare foarte capricioasa, in 80 m aproape imposibil de lucrat din cauza QRN. Antena multiband modesta ,TS430S fara linear.

ZL1BHQ: Band cndx were not very good - EU signals were well down. An enjoyable (but frustrating contest because of the poor condx). Will be back in 2007.

3Z8Z: Hallo, Thank you. Your special Award will be appreciated. 73, Wilhelm 3Z8Z (SP8AJC)

S51DX: Hello, I was first world last year on 80m, no receive the award or anything. So I was just operate for fun this year - since I think that it's not serious from the FRR - no awards, no plaques... Nothing!

K6EID: Attached is my log for the YO-DX contest. Thank you for sponsoring it. Condx were poor on 20 and 15 meters, good on 40, and poor on 80. 80 meters was plagued with S9 QRN which made operating difficult. Rig is FT1000MP Antennas - KT34XA for 20 & 15, XM-240 for 40, and inverted vee for 80.

OO2T: Hi, I did not have much time but I always enjoy your contest. 73 de ON5SWA (OO2T).

K6CSL: I guess conditions were really poor. RD3A was almost the only EU station I heard the entire weekend. I operate a small 100 watt station with just a simple multi-band Delta Loop, but I did quite a few contacts in the recent WAE competitions. Hope to do better next year. 73's Bert, K6CSL

ZL1BHQ: Attached is my log for the 2006 YODX Contest. Worked two YO stations, although I did hear at least three others. I guess running only 100 watts did not help - left my Amp out at our Contest station (ZM1A) after the IARU. Thanks for the fun. 73, John Powell - ZL1BHQ

YO/DL1CW: It was a lot of fun, even if the Condx were terrible on the high bands. It was likely also one of the last contests I made from Romania, since I will go back to Germany end of 2006. Thanks a lot for this event. 73, and best DX to all. Arno

YO5TP: Propagare slaba!!

OE3BCA: Din pacate propagarea a fost foarte slaba. Benzile de 15m si 10m numai duminica dimineata au fost pentru putin timp deschise. Poate la anul, la marea aniversare a YODX-HF, D-zeul ne ajuta cu o propagara mai buna. Sper ca atunci vor fi mai multe judete si statii activi la aceasta interesanta competitie.

K4JRB: I only listened after 0200 on 40 m. It was too noisy on 80 m and 20 m was Only UA9 and UA0. I am on SSB only since my stroke and I heard several loud YO Stations (YO3RU, YO2JSB, YO3CHI, YO2MD (forget the complete call). I even Worked some EU and Asia that have operating rights above 7150 KHz (4X4BL on 7154 KHz, PA9DD on 7188 KH, and heard a group of G stations on 7194 KHz). I worked R3K, EA3BOX, and SV9CVY in split mode. But none of the YO's listened up even they worked WP4 and VE simplex. Sorry I have no log for you, but maybe next year I can be on 20 m, when the band is open. Just tell the YO operators to listen up on 40m, as there are many quiet spots in the midst of the Broadcasting QRM. 73, Dave K4JRB

YU5T: I enjoyed your contest. Greetings from Serbia!

YO3HKW: Sunt profund dezamagit de prezenta YO in acest concurs!

Alex Panoiu YO9HP

Articol aparut la 30-8-2006


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Comentarii (13)  

  • Postat de Miki - YO5AJR (yo5ajr) la 2006-08-31 10:33:55 (ora Romaniei)
  • Decut in acest contest de la locatia KN17RP.
    Fata de alte benzi pe 7 Mc propagare bunicel...RXTX:TS450S, Ant.for only TX!!!inv."V"monoband. Ant.for RX:beverage...din completul R118-BM. PA:1 GU81m final modificat de la R118-BM....ventilator zgomotos!!!HI.Sentiment "vy happy" cand auzi pe toti care te aud!!!HI. Ai dreptate Vali.."daca beverage nu e ...nimic nu e"!!! Tnx. pentru ajutor promt de la A45WD Alex inainte si dupa contest,Regulamentul???....in spre BINE!!!
    YO5AJR Miki

  • Postat de Miki - la 2006-08-31 10:42:29 (ora Romaniei)
  • Sorry... in comentariul meu primul cuvant "DEBUT"
    iar locatia este:KN17UL!!! Nu am avut ochelarii!!!HI
    73 de Miki

  • Postat de Petrica Stolnicu - YO8RIJ la 2006-08-31 16:28:11 (ora Romaniei)
  • Felicitari tuturor statiilor din YO care au participat! Nu speram sa aud atat de multe statii YO.(totusi nu chiar exagerat de multe, hi!). Participarea statiilor straine a fost buna in conditiile in care ma asteptam sa chem in zadar minute in sir, lucru care nu sa intamplat spre placuta surprindere a mea.
    au fost conditii grele de propagare dar nici sa nu ne asteptam la conditii gen "agrement" pentru ca nu mai are farmec concursul.hi
    cu stima deosebita! 73s! Pet!

  • Postat de Bela - YO6KNE la 2006-09-02 09:08:24 (ora Romaniei)
  • Am inceput cu YO6CFB la categoria MOMB, in prima ora foarte...foarte slab ne-a mers, propagare capricioasa si cu QRN infernal, mai ales in banda de 80 m., iar noaptea in 40 m. am inceput mai bunicel. Totusi dupa 24 de ore... un rezultat destul de slab... Cu 100 W "maximul ce stia TS 44o" nu ne auzeau foarte multe statii DX, chiar cu antena Yagi cu 6 el. directioanata "exact pe statia corespondenta". Surprinzator Delta Loop-ul si-a facut "treaba" in prima parte a concursului. Felicitari statiilor YO, care au participat. Multe DX-uri tuturor. 73 de la Bela

  • Postat de Mihai - YO3FXL la 2006-09-03 11:18:42 (ora Romaniei)
  • Din cauza job-ului nu am putut participa insa ca radioamator roman sau daca vreti pur si simplu ca roman, nu ma pot abtine sa nu atrag atentia FRR la comentariul lui S51DX:
    "Hello, I was first world last year on 80m, no receive the award or anything. So I was just operate for fun this year - since I think that it's not serious from the FRR - no awards, no plaques... Nothing!"
    Daca este real, aceasta incredibila nedreptate trebuie sa fie urgent reparata de catre FRR sau de catre cei responsabili cu premierea! Ajutati-ma sa raman mandru cand folosesc indicativul YO in benzile de radioamatori. Daca situatia descrisa de el nu este reala se impune publicarea unei dezmintiri. Domnilor de la FRR astept cu interes reactia Dvs. Multumesc, 73

  • Postat de Alex - YO9HP (yo9hp) la 2006-09-03 12:10:36 (ora Romaniei)
  • Mihai, Nu sunt domn de la FRR, dar am o reactie. Intr-adevar situatia este neplacuta, dar nu asa disperata. Cu toate ca rezultatele sunt cunoscute in YO de mai multe luni, ele au fost aduse la cunostinta statiilor straine cu cca o saptamana inainte de editia 2006 a concursului. Asa ca nu inteleg nerabdarea lui S51DX. Oricum am luat legatura cu el si i-am explicat situatia. Anul acesta, chiar la categoria SO-80m va fi decernata o placheta sponsorizata de YO2DFA, asa ca S51DX si-a ales un moment nepotrivit sa renunte la lupta pentru locul 1. Din pacate am aflat ca nici o diploma de la editia 2005 nu a fost expediata catre statiile straine, cu toate ca voluntari pentru acest serviciu au existat. Sper ca pana la sfarsitul anului sa expediez toate diplomele restante de la editiile mai vechi ale YO DX HF contest, impeuna cu premiile si diplomele editiei 2006, pentru ca editia jubiliara 2007 sa nu fie umbrita de reclamatii si acuzatii de neglijenta.
    Pe de alta parte imi pare rau ca nu ai participat. Bineinteles ca jobul este mai important.. Dar nici anul trecut nu te-am vazut in clasament si nici la Camp. National 3,5 MHz nu ai lucrat.. Nici in Camp National de UUS de anul trecut nu ai fost. Dar mai este timp. Succes! Alex YO9HP

  • Postat de Mihai - YO3FXL la 2006-09-03 13:00:36 (ora Romaniei)
  • Alex, nici nu am spus ca este o situatie disperata, doar ca este de neacceptat ca diplomele sa nu fie trimise castigatorilor. Iar asta are repercursiuni directe asupra imaginii radioamatorismului romanesc. Sunt mandru ca sunt radioamator roman si vreau sa raman asa. Privitor la prezenta sau neprezenta mea in concursuri, job-ul meu (very requiring) nu imi permite si regret asta, asa a fost si anul trecut si acum doi ani... Dar nu cred ca asta are de a face cu situatia in cauza chiar daca discutam despre un concurs. Asa cum bine ai spus, mai este timp. Totusi imi rezerv pana atunci dreptul de a avea o reactie. Multumesc pt comentariu, sper sa te intalnesc la Simpozion si continuam discutia. Vy 73, Mihai - YO3FXL

  • Postat de Alex - YO9HP (yo9hp) la 2006-09-03 15:54:15 (ora Romaniei)
  • Mihai, Imi pare rau ca nu ne putem vedea la Simpozion, din motive de ...job ..hi. Dar in concursul care se va desfasura in acel week-end, voi fi prezent. In legatura cu rapiditatea cu care se expediaza diplomele, este exagerat sa reclami ca nu ai primit o diploma sau trofeu la numai 5 zile dupa ce ai citit clasamentul. Cam asa ceva a facut S51DX. Eu urmaresc reflectoarele de profil si sunt radioamatori care reclama neprimirea diplomelor de la CQ-WW din 2002 si 2003. In schimb le-au primit pe cele din 2004 si 2005 ..hi. Asa cum sunt probleme financiare si organizatorice la noi, sunt peste tot. Anul trecut am primit o nota de la revista CQ in care ma anuntau ca sunt indreptatit sa primesc placheta pentru nou record Asiatic (lucrasem de la A45WD) in CQ-WW-RTTY, dar nu o voi primi din lipsa de sponsori. De fapt era un mod ne-elegant prin care ma invitau sa mi-o platesc singur. Si te asigur si organizatorii acelui concurs au ramas mandri ca sunt Americani, iar eu am ramas la fel de mandru ca sunt Roman. Sper ca ai obsrvat nota optimista in care am incheiat mesajul anterior. Pana la sfarsitul anului vom lichida aceste obstacole care stau in calea celor doritori sa faca trafic radio, folosind indicative YO. 73, Alex

  • Postat de A. Graur - la 2006-09-03 17:07:54 (ora Romaniei)
  • repercursiuni= incorect
    repercusiuni = corect

  • Postat de marghiolu iorgu - YO7KYN la 2006-09-04 12:17:56 (ora Romaniei)
  • propagare foarte proasta si o noapte cu furtuna(multe descarcari electrice).felicitari tuturor radioamatorilor yo care au participat in concurs si sa ne vedem sanatosi in editia de la anul! cu respect yo7gwa lee

  • Postat de marius - YO7HHI la 2006-09-04 18:47:45 (ora Romaniei)
  • primul meu concurs YODX,poate am dorit prea mult sa particip,a fost frumos,poate putin dezamagit,propagare foarte slaba,eu fiind clIII a trebuit sa lucrez 3 benzii dar doua au fost partial moarte(3,5 qrn 59 iar 28 decit duminica dimineata un fel de sporadic...am auzit aici mai multe statii yo decit in 3,5--hi) Frumos totusi si sigur voi mai participa. Felicitari tuturor care fac ceva pt. radioamatorismul rominesc ;73 si sa ne auzim cu bine-marius yo7hhi

  • Postat de marius - YO7HHI la 2006-09-04 18:47:49 (ora Romaniei)
  • primul meu concurs YODX,poate am dorit prea mult sa particip,a fost frumos,poate putin dezamagit,propagare foarte slaba,eu fiind clIII a trebuit sa lucrez 3 benzii dar doua au fost partial moarte(3,5 qrn 59 iar 28 decit duminica dimineata un fel de sporadic...am auzit aici mai multe statii yo decit in 3,5--hi) Frumos totusi si sigur voi mai participa. Felicitari tuturor care fac ceva pt. radioamatorismul rominesc ;73 si sa ne auzim cu bine-marius yo7hhi

  • Postat de Vasile - YO6EX (yo6ex) la 2006-09-05 10:29:53 (ora Romaniei)
  • Din pacate conditiile de propagare au fost extrem de slabe. Altfel ar fi sot o participare buna.

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