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Transmatch automat

Gheorghe Andrei Radulescu YO4AUP

Sigur ca aceste imagini va duc cu gindul la ceva frumos, elegant, care nu se strica niciodata. Si desigur are motor. Precis nu ne gindim la acelasi lucru. Eu ma gindesc la ceva frumos, elegant, care nu se strica niciodata, dar cu doua sau trei motoare! Ati ghicit ca este vorba despre Rolls-ul transmatch-urilor automate? Stiti care este acesta? Nici eu nu am stiut pina acum, dar am aflat. Am colindat licitatiile pentru aparatele la mina a doua de pe piata americana si iata ce am gasit in perioada 1-11 octombrie 2005. Plimbarea are loc la adresa http://www.ebay.com/ si cuprinde vizitarea paginilor pentru ofertele urmatoare (item number ordonate in ordinea alfabetica a producatorului):

5815872057 Heathkit SA-2500 11oct2005 510.00$ 16 oferte
5815585319 ICOM AT-180 06oct2005 292.00$ 11 oferte
5813986259 ICOM IC-AT 500 05oct2005 466.89$ 13 oferte
5812826684 J.W.MILLER AT2500 02oct2005 645.00$ 10 oferte
5814337609 J.W.MILLER AT2500 04oct2005 611.00$ 32 oferte
5815927278 KENWOOD AT-250 09oct2005 133.00$ 13 oferte
5814985376 L.D.G. AT-11mp 06oct2005 81.00$ 8 oferte
5815248553 L.D.G. AT-1000 09oct2005 356.00$ 9 oferte
5814305223 YAESU FC-757AT 06oct2005 228.25$ 27 oferte

Separati aceste aparate in doua categorii: sub 300W si peste 300W. In continuare discutia se poarta numai pentru transmatch-urile peste 300W adica, tot in ordine alfabetica, Heatkit SA-2500, ICOM IC-AT 500, J.W.Miller AT-2500 si L.D.G.-1000. Acesta din urma face parte din generatia noua echipata cu microprocesor, dar fiind disponibil pe e-buy la inceputul lui octombrie, l-am prezentat si pe el. Fara concurenta se detaseaza in prima linie transmatchul fabricat de J.W.Miller, AT2500. Citeva pareri despre acest transmatch se gasesc publicate la urmatoarea adresa: http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/968

De la aceasta adresa am extras pentru cei care nu au internet o frumoasa descriere facuta de K6RUS in anul 2000. Nu am tradus intentionat acest text pentru a nu-i strica culoarea locala:

"I wanted an automatic tuner for my newly acquired Ameritron ALS600 solid state linear and my research came up with few alternatives, all expensive and most obsolete. The J.W. Miller was made by a division of Bell Industries and I was able to buy one of the last made, a 1996 model. I hesitated to buy this tuner because it is 17" wide but I decided that my linear and Yaesu speaker cabinet would fit nicely on top. Now my Yaesu FT847 is dwarfed along side this set up. The AT2500 is a marvelous piece of engineering, it tunes fast and is very quiet and you only need to select the band letter (D or E for me, 10-15-20), set FT847 mode to FM and if you are polite, reduce your Xcvr power, then press "Start", it rapidly tunes to the SWR setting you have selected. My linear wants less than 2.5:1, so I leave the tuner set to 2:1. It will also control your linear, if it is not a "no tune" type. It comes with a coupler-bridge that goes in the RF line, so make sure the tuner comes with one of these little boxes, or you will need to build one from the drawings in the manual. You can "tweak" the tuning if you wish, e.g. move one of the two dials a little and you will see the SWR meter move right on down to 1:1 although the linear did not seem to care if it was 1:5 or 1:1. I had fun, turning a dial and then pressing the "start" button, watching closely the knob will rapidly turn back. It remembers one setting for each band. It does not automatically tune though, unless asked although there is a "tracking" feature that can be utilized. I noticed that it required less re-tuning than the MFJ986 I was using before, I wonder why? Design quality, perhaps? The manual says for SSB, it is not desirable because it requires a constant carrier. I tested it on 80 and 40 meters, same great results. I also tried it with a Butternut H9V as well as the Mini-Quad, makes the linear happy with either. If you like "bells and whistles", it has 'em! Panel ights to say what it is doing, audible alarm (on/off) if it can't tune the selected SWR, e.g. you tell it you are on one band but tune your xcvr to another. In this case, it has a standard sequence it goes through in attempting to match the impedance. An exciting to watch exercise as one dial turns and then the other. Lots of features, multiple antenna connections/switch settings and push buttons for various features. The tuner's appearance and color goes well with the modern Yaesu line, except for size. Inside, the construction is clean and high quality, lots of room and not much to go wrong. It is reported that all of the components are standard, lots of DIP chips on the PC board and only two small motors. The manual is for both operators and techies, you could probably build one of these from the information in the manual. Too bad they are not still making these and it is very unfortunate that they did not make a much smaller model that would handle a third of the power. If I sell my linear, the tuner will stay as I like it better than the modern Yaesu FC20. If I buy more power, I will still need this tuner unless of course I sell my car and get the Yaesu Quadra system / care ase transmatch automat incorporat / . So if you want power and be feee from twisting knobs, get a no tune linear and one of these but expect to pay about $750-$850, if you find one for sale. They sold for over a thousand bucks new like the no longer produced Ten-Tec model 253. I guess the market just wasn't there for expensive automatic tuners."

Din pacate,in urma cu putini ani, divizia JWMiller a trebuit sa renunte la fabricatia de transmatch-uri din cauza concurentei facute de MFJ cu produse de o fiabilitate mult mai mica dar care totusi au invadat piata deturnind oparte din cumparatorii potentiali de produse de calitate. Amanunte la sfirsitul raportului de la adresa urmatoare: http://www.bellind.com/r/news_articles/shareholder_remarks_2003.cfm


Remarks from the Bell Industries Annual Shareholders' Meeting - May 28, 2003

J. W. Miller
Bell's smallest business, J.W. Miller, had a down year in 2002, a direct result of conditions in the electronics marketplace. We sell inductors, coils and chokes, and other small electronic parts to distributors and contract manufacturers. A trend we are keeping an eye on, and where we are positioning ourselves, relates to the sourcing of these products from offshore locations, primarily Asia. J.W. Miller has taken steps to establish relationships and capabilities in these markets to ensure that our brand continues to be well positioned in the broad market.
J.W. Miller had a record year in 2000 when sales exceeded $13 million, reflecting strength in the telecommunications and electronics markets at that time. The drop in both of these markets in 2001 and 2002 directly impacted results. Early results this year, including backlog, indicate that 2003 will be better. We generated about $300,000 in profits on $1.6 million in sales in the first quarter of 2003, a substantial increase in income over the 2002 first quarter.
Thank you for joining us.


Si cum am inceput acest articol cu un nume care trebuie mai ales vazut, in continuare pozele acestui Rolls Roice al transmatch-urilor automate:

Fig. 3 JWMiller AT-2500 Panou frontal

Fig. 4 JWMiller AT-2500 Panoul din spate

Specificatia tehnica:

  • Domeniul de lucru: 3.0 la 30 MHz .
  • Puterea la intrare: Peste 2500 W PEP.
  • Impedanta la iesire: 10 la 300 ohmi rezistiv (VSWR 1:1pina la 6:1)
  • Conectoare la iesire: 3 Coaxiale , 1 Antena filara, 1 Coaxial Bypass.
  • Dimensiuni: 432x134x356 mm.
  • Furnitura include si o punte de masura de radiofrecventa pentru formarea semnalului de eroare de fabricatie J. W. Miller .
  • Acord automat < 15 sec cu excitatie mai mica de 1W .
  • Borne de iesire pentru includerea sau scoaterea liniarului din linia de emisie.
  • Alarma optica si sonora pentru depasirea VSWR-ului prestabilit.
  • Blocarea automata a liniarului la depasirea valorii prestabilite a VSWR-ului.
  • Setarea manuala a valorilor de prag pentru VSWR-ul maxim la iesirea liniarului si la declansarea alarmei.
  • Doua microampermetre cu iluminare din spate , pentru indicarea VSWR-ului si a puterii la iesire.

    Fig. 5 Partea de Transmatch

    Fig. 6 Automatica

    Toate amanuntele se gasesc in manualul de operare care este completat si cu multe informatii despre service si chiar cu amanunte despre partea de proiectare, astfel ca celor cu mai multa experienta le este cu putinta chiar sa-l reproduca.

    Fig. 7 Coperta Manualului realizat de W7FG

    Acesta a fost pe scurt o povestioara despre Rolls-ul transmatch-urilor automate din era de dinaintea microprocesorului. V-a placut? S-a vrut si ca o invitatie la o navigare instructiva prin e-buy.

    Alte poze cu J.W.MILLER AT-2500

    Fig. 8 Panoul frontal-stinga

    Fig. 9 Panoul frontal-dreapta

    Fig. 10 Buton pt setarea pragului VSWR al liniarului

    Fig. 11 Detectorul de semnal de eroare

    Fig. 12 Schema conexiunilor pe panoul din spate

    Fig. 13 In timpul acordului

    Fig. 14 Transmatch acordat

    Fig. 15 Rolls-ul transmatch sau Transmatch-ul Rolls

    Celelalte concurente la titlul de Miss

    Fig. 16 Heathkit SA-2500

    Fig. 17 ICOM AT500 panou frontal

    Fig. 18 Icom AT 500 interior

    Fig. 19 Kenwood AT 250

    Fig. 20 LDG AT1000 panoul frontal

    Fig. 21 LDG AT1000 interior

    Fig. 22 Yaesu FC-757AT

    Gheorghe Andrei Radulescu YO4AUP

    Articol aparut la 19-10-2005


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  • Comentarii (12)  

  • Postat de Dobrescu Vasile - YO9FBJ la 2005-10-20 08:13:20 (ora Romaniei)
  • Articolul este foarte interesant. Felicit pe aceasta cale autorul respectiv, YO4AUP , pe Domnul Radulescu.

  • Postat de gheorghe andrei radulescu - YO4AUP la 2005-10-20 11:50:17 (ora Romaniei)
  • la adresa http://www.eham.net/reviews/products/3 se gasesc informatii si comentarii despre urmatoarele modele de transmatch manuale si automate:
    A.M.A.C., inc SC-1B // Advanced Electronic Applications AT-300 tuner // AEA AT-3000 Antenna Tuner //AEA Model QT-1 //Alinco EDX-2 //Alpha Delta PathFINDER Digital Autotuner// Ameritron ATR-15 //Ameritron ATR-20// Ameritron ATR-30// Antec UT-1// Antenna Tuning meter by Electric Radio // BetterRF Yaesu Control Tuner // Bliss Match Master CAP.CO.SPC.300.ATU// Collins (Rockwell) 180S-1// Daiwa CNW 518 //Daiwa CNW-419 //DAIWA model CNA-1001 autotuner Dentron Clipperton T //Dentron DTR-3KA// Dentron Jr. Monitor //Dentron mlt 2500 //Dentron MT-2000A //Dentron MT-3000 //Dentron RT-3000 //Dentron Super Tuner Plus // Drake MN-2000 //Drake MN-2700 with accy B-1000 Balun //Drake MN-4 Antenna Tuner//Drake MN-4C //DRAKE MN-7 //Drake MN75 Antenna Tuner //Elecraft KAT100 Automatic Antenna Tuner Kit//Elecraft KAT2 internal autotuner for the K2 Transciever //Elecraft T1 Miniature ATU for all Low-Power Transceivers //Elecraft T1-FT817 Adapter (T1 ATU to Yaesu FT-817 transceiver)//EMTECH ZM-2 ATU //Hamware AT-402 //Heathkit HFT-9A//HEATHKIT SA-2040 //Heathkit SA-2060A //Heathkit SA-2500 auto antenna tuner //Heathkit SA-2500 automatic antenna tuner //ICOM AT-500 //ICOM AH-4 auto tuner //icom ah3 //ICOM AT-120//Icom AT-130 //ICOM AT-180 // Johnson KW Matchbox//JOHNSON MATCHBOX "LITE" 300 WATT //JRC NFG-97 //Kenwood AT-130 //Kenwood AT-200 //Kenwood AT-300 //Kenwood AT-50 // Kenwood AT230 //Kenwood AT250 //KW 107 SUPERMatch//LDG AT-1000 //LDG AT-100Pro Memory Autotuner //LDG AT-11MP Autotuner //LDG AT-200Pro Memory Autotuner//LDG AT-897 Autotuner //LDG Electronics RT-11 //LDG PT-11P //LDG QRP Antenna Tuner//LDG Z-100 Low Cost Autotuner //LDG Z-11 Automatic Antenna Tuner//LDG Z-11Pro Memory Autotuner //Linear AMP UK Balanced Super Tuner (Z Match)//MAXX-COM AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER //MFJ -941B ANTENNA TUNER//MFJ 934 Antenna Tuner/Artificial Ground //MFJ 944 Antenna Tuner//MFJ 948 Deluxe Versa Tuner II//MFJ 949D //MFJ 949E //MFJ 956 LW/MW/SW PRESELECTOR/TUNER //MFJ 962D //MFJ 969 //mfj 991 auto tuner //MFJ 991 Autotuner //MFJ--935 Loop Tuner //MFJ-16010 200W Random Wire Tuner //MFJ-901B //MFJ-902 //MFJ-903 //MFJ-914 //MFJ-922 -- 144/440 Compact Antenna Tuner//MFJ-922 VHF/UHF Compact Antenna Tuner//MFJ-941E //MFJ-945-E//MFJ-949B Deluxe Versa Tuner II //MFJ-971 //MFJ-974H Balance Line Tuner//MFJ-976 Balanced Line Tuner //MFJ-986 //MFJ-989C //MFJ-989D 3kW Roller Inductor Antenna Tuner//MFJ-993 //MFJ-994 //Millen 92200 Transmatch//Miller AT-2500 //Miracle Antenna QPack Precision //Mizuho KX-2 Sky Coupler //Mizuho KX-3 Sky Coupler //Mizuho KX-3HF //Murch UT-2000a //N4XM XMatch Tuner //Nye Viking MB-VA //Palomar PT-340 TUNER-TUNER//Palstar AT-AUTO //Palstar AT1500BAL //PalStar AT1500CV //Palstar AT1KBAL//Palstar AT1KD //PALSTAR AT1KM //Palstar AT300LCN //Palstar AT4K //Palstar AT4K-BAL//PALSTAR AT5K 3500 Watt Antenna Tuner //Palstar BT1500A Balanced L Antenna Tuner //Palstar HF1500 //RF Power Components MaxiTuner //S.E.M. Transmatch//SGC SG-230 // SGC SG-230 PRO //SGC SG-231 //SGC SG-235 //SGC MAC-200 Master Antenna Controller //SGC QMS-2 Mobile Antenna System //SGC QMS-37 //SGC SG-211 micro-coupler //SGC SG-237 "Mini" Smartuner //SGC SG-239 Smartuner //Ten Tec Automatic 253 Tuner //Ten Tec Model 229 / 229B //Ten Tec Model 238 //Ten Tec Model 253//Ten-Tec 238A//TenTec 238B //Tokyo Hy-Power HC-100 //Tokyo Hy-Power HC-150 //Tokyo Hy-Power HC-200 //Tokyo Hy-Power HC-2000 //Tokyo Hy-Power HC-200A //Tokyo Hy-Power HC-400 //Tokyo Hy-Power HC-500A // Tokyo Hy-Power HC-75 //Tokyohypower //Tucker Model T-1000 //Unique Wire Tuner //Vectronics HFT 1500 //Vectronics VC-300M //Vectronics VC300DLP //Wanzer Z-Match //Welz AC-35M //XMatch (tm) //Yaesu FC-1000 //Yaesu FC-102 //Yaesu FC-20 //Yaesu FC-30 //Yaesu FC-301 //Yaesu FC-40 //Yaesu FC-700 //Yaesu FC-707 //Yaesu FC-901 //Yaesu FC-902 //ZETAGI T.M 535 ATU //

  • Postat de Valericã COSTIN - YO7AYH la 2005-10-22 16:06:24 (ora Romaniei)
  • Apreciez efortul autorului pentru redactarea acestui articol. Dealtfel domnul Rãdulescu a prezentat multe articole intersante si utile radioamatorilor, articole care au o “tinutã” tehnicã deosebitã. Felicitãri!
    Cu respect, Valericã COSTIN, YO7AYH.

  • Postat de kiss vasile - YO5ODU la 2005-12-07 11:07:00 (ora Romaniei)
  • Mii de multumirii pentru asemenea articole.Amatorii,chiar daca sunt la inceput,mai ales,duc lipsa de documentatie.Personal ma bucur pentru asemenea articole .

  • Postat de Rafael - São Paulo - Brasil - PX2M-9823 la 2006-05-10 14:16:09 (ora Romaniei)
  • Bom dia amigos, Comprei um acoplador DAIWA mod. CNA-1001 de uma pessoa que importou dos USA, gostaria de saber se você tem cópia do "MANUAL DE INSTRUÇÔES".

  • Postat de gheorghe andrei radulescu - YO4AUP la 2006-06-23 07:43:47 (ora Romaniei)
  • to Rafael - Sao Paulo- Brasil, PX2M-9823.
    good morning dear om. send to me an short e-mail (click on my name and callsign) with your e-mail adress where I can send the Instruction manual of your DAIWA cn1001 antenna transmatch. it is .pdf file having 480k. 73! Good loock, andrei, yo4aup

  • Postat de Rocky Meier - la 2006-11-19 19:35:52 (ora Romaniei)
  • Hello,

    It's a pleasure to contact with you.
    I want to order some products from your store/company,

    Can you ship directly to Singapore ?
    Do you accept Visa and Mastercard for the payment?
    Please let me know.

    Thank you
    Rocky Meier

  • Postat de Ion - YO8RXK la 2007-09-16 22:20:29 (ora Romaniei)
  • Articolul e destul de agreat de noi astia din provincie si nu numai!Doresc sa intru in posesia a cel putin o carte de-a d-stra!Cu deosebit respect .Ion....73!

  • Postat de Ion - YO8RXK la 2007-10-17 21:04:16 (ora Romaniei)
  • Sunt nascut in MOLDOVA ,doresc d-ati Cezarului ce-i a Cezarului!

  • Postat de PUSCAS VICTOR - YO6DDE la 2008-04-13 11:57:35 (ora Romaniei)

  • Postat de Nick - YO4RSS la 2009-02-19 08:33:04 (ora Romaniei)
  • In materie de transmatch,sunt,si vor fi multe de spus.Multumim pentru articol.Din 2 transmatch-uri pe care le posed lucrez de obicei cu unul mfj-969,manual(dar merge)bine cu SWR pina la 1,4 (acordat).In schimb cu LDG at-1000,am de multe ori probleme(stiu de care).

  • Postat de Vasile - YO9FEH la 2010-02-20 15:25:59 (ora Romaniei)
  • Multumesc autorului pt amplul si documentatul articol !YO9BQZ ar fi apreciat deasemeni,mi-a fost coleg de servici si un f bun electronist!Avea un fir lung din casa pe un bloc vecin si se dadea de ceasul mortii la gandul ca cineva ii poate rupe firul !Facea demonstratii clare acum cca 10 ani cum se acorda acest fir !Mergea trasnet cu emitatorul cu 2 GU 50 !Din pacate boala l-a rapus !Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca !73 si multumesc pt efortul depus !Vasile

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