
"Save the Green Planet Award" - GreenDay 2010

Alte diplome

Diploma "SALVATI PLANETA VERDE" GreenDay 2010

Pentru obtinerea acestei diplome este necesar ca in perioada 12-13 iunie 2010 sa se realizeze legaturi cu statii amplasate pe teritoriul parcurilor nationale si naturale, sau rezervatiilor din minim 7 tari diferite din 2 continente.
Statia cu cele mai multe tari lucrate va primi o diploma speciala.
Cererea se trimite la YO3JW Fenyo Stefan, P.O.Box 19-43, RO-033210 Bucuresti 19, Romania impreuna cu 5 euro sau 5 IRC valabile (5 lei pentru statiile YO). Termen limita de trimitere este 01.08.2010.
Daca se solicita in format electronic prin Internet (fenyo3jw@yahoo.com), diploma este GRATUITA.

Between 12-13 June 2010, you may earn the special award from Romania: the "Save the Green Planet Earth - GreenDay 2010" Diploma.
Rules: Work at least 7 stations from 7 entities in different natural parks and nature centers on at least 2 continents. The station with top worked countries will get a special award.
Requests must be received before 01.08.2010. Cost of the printed award is 5 Euro or 5 valid IRC's. Apply to Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O. Box 19-43, RO-033210 Bucuresti 19, Romania
If you request that the award be sent by electronic means, there is NO COST for the pdf document.
Apply by e-mail to: fenyo3jw(at)yahoo.com
Internet: http://wff-yo.blogspot.com

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