

Alte diplome


Programul "Obiective istorice din România" include trei diplome care vor fi conferite oricarui radioamator autorizat care va face dovada efectuarii de legaturi radio cu statii de radioamatori, operând portabil (/p) din diferite obiective istorice situate pe teritoriul României sau din amplasamente situate la o distanta de maximum 1 km. de aceste obiective. Toate legaturile trebuie sa fie confirmate prin QSL-uri (sunt valabile si confirmari prin eQSL si LoTW).
Fiecare obiectiv are un cod de identificare în cadrul programului O.I.R. Codul de identificare va fi format dintr-un grup de 2 litere reprezentând judetul în care este situat obiectivul (de exemplu AB este judetul Alba, BU este municipiul Bucuresti), o litera care va desemna categoria obiectivului (de exemplu C = castel, P = palat, F = fortificatie) si un numar serial.
Legaturile sunt valabile de la 1 ianuarie 2009. Nu exista restrictii privind banda sau modul de lucru.
Se confera 3 diplome de baza, la care se pot adauga taloane prin contactarea mai multor obiective din fiecare categorie:
Castele din Romania (Worked Romanian Castles)
Palate din România (Worked Romanian Palaces)
Cetati din România (Worked Romanian Fortresses) * nota
* Pentru acesta categorie sunt valabile urmatoarele tipuri de obiective:
- Cetati;
- Biserici si mânastiri fortificate;
- Fortificatii antice (castre romane, asezari coloniale grecesti).

Diplomele de baza vor fi conferite pentru 10 QSO-uri cu obiective din fiecare categorie.
Taloanele se vor acorda pentru fiecare 5 QSO-uri suplimentare.
Sunt valabile numai obiectivele care au cod de identificare O.I.R.
Listele O.I.R. pot fi gasita la adresele:
Costul diplomei de baza este: 5 lei
Costul unui talon este: 1 leu

Diplomele se pot solicita pe baza unei cereri (lista legaturilor) certificata prin semnatura a doi radioamatori autorizati, de la adresa:

FRR - YODX Club, BOX 22-50, RO-014780 BUCURESTI 22, ROMANIA



Romanian Historical Objectives award program includes 3 awards that can be confered to any licensed radio amateur or SWL who submits proof of radio contacts (receptions) with stations working portable (/p) from various historical objectives or adjacent sites in radius no more than one km., located on the territory of Romania. All contacts must be confirmed by QSL cards (eQSL cards or LoTW confirmations are valid).
Each objective has an identification code under the R.H.O. program. The identification code contains a group of two letters designating the county where the objective is located (for example AB is Alba, BU is Bucharest), a letter classifying the objective (for example C = castle, P = palace, F = fortress) and a serial number for each objective.
Contacts are valid after January 1st, 2009. There are no restrictions in bands and modes.
There are 3 endorsable awards:
Working Romanian Castles
Working Romanian Palaces
Working Romanian Fortresses (*)
(*)The following historical objectives are valid for this class:
- Citadels;
- Fortified churches and monasteries;
- Fortified ancient settlements (ancient Roman camps, colonial Greek settlements).

Each of the three basic awards is granted for 10 QSOs/SWL receptions with stations of the respective class.
Endorsement stickers are issued for any additional 5 QSOs/SWL receptions of each class.
Objectives with an R.H.O. identification code are the only valid.
The R.H.O. lists can be found here:
The basic award fee is: 4 EURO, $5 or 3 IRCs.
The fee for stickers is : 1 EURO, $2 or 1IRC.

The awards are issued on the basis of an application and a log extract, G.C.R. certified with the signatures of two licensed radio amateurs.

Apply with fee noted above and GCR to:
FRR - YODX Club, BOX 22-50, RO-014780 BUCURESTI 22, ROMANIA

Valabilitate de la 2009-01-01

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