

Alte diplome

This award, free of charge, is issued to all those who will prove at least 3 contacts with YR0HQ, during the IARU World Wide Championship 2008.
For 6, 9 or 12 contacts, the award could be printed for different classes (3rd, 2nd, 1st or Extra Class), in accordance with number of contacts but, only one single award is given.

Extra Class - 12 QSOs
1st Class - 9 QSOs
2nd Class - 6 QSOs
3rd Class - 3 QSOs

The application, along with the log extract shall be sent to one of the following addreses:

By mail to:

FRR, YR0HQ Award,
BOX 22-50,
RO-014780 BUCURESTI 22,

By e-mail to: YO3APJ@yahoo.com before July 31, 2008


Diploma se va acorda gratuit radioamatorilor care vor realiza performanta de a fi efectuat legaturi cu statia YR0HQ, in timpul Campionatului Mondial IARU 2008, din zilele 12-13 iulie, in intervalul 12.00 UTC - 12.00 UTC.

In functie de numarul legaturilor realizate diploma va avea urmatoarele clase:

Clasa extra - 12 QSO
Clasa I - a - 9 QSO
Clasa a II - a - 6 QSO
Clasa a III - a - 3 QSO

Diploma se va elibera intr-un singur exemplar, reprezentand clasa superioara, pentru care s-au indeplinit conditiile.

Termenul limita de trimitere al cererilor este 31 iulie 2008.
Cererile vor fi insotite de lista QSO-urilor (extras din log) si se vor trimite la:

FRR, YR0HQ diploma, Casuta Postala 22-50, RO-014780
Bucuresti 22, Romania sau

prin E-mail la: YO3APJ@yahoo.com

Pe cerere se va trece obligatoriu adresa postala cu codul postal actualizat a celui care solicita diploma.

Valabilitate de la 2008-07-12

Valabilitate pana la 2008-07-30

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