
"Dunarea de Jos"

HF Contest

Sponsors 8 danubian countries from "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region:
  • Ukraine (Izmail - IZ, Reni - RE, Chilia - KI, Vilcovo - VL)
  • Moldavia (Cahul - CH)
  • Romania (Galati - GL, Braila - BR, Tulcea - TL)
  • Contest period last but one Sunday in April 03-05 UTC, two periods of one hour each
    Bands and modes 80 m
  • CW 3540-3580 kHz
  • SSB 3600-3700 kHz
  • Entry classifications radio amateurs from all countries
    Contest exchange
  • radio stations from "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region send RS(T)+ serial number (001) + county abbreviation
  • other radio stations send send RS(T) + serial number (001)
  • Points 1 QSO with counties from "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region:
  • 2 points SSB
  • 4 points CW
    1 QSO with counties other than "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region (but YO, ER, UR):
  • 1 point SSB
  • 2 points CW
    1 QSO with DX stations:
  • 1 point SSB
  • 2 points CW
  • Multiplier in each 30 minutes round: countries from "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region worked + DXCC countries worked in SSB + DXCC countries worked in CW
    Notes: Each 30 minutes round, a station may be worked one time is SSB and one time in CW
    The QSO is cancelled if:
  • registered time is different more than 3 minutes
  • there is a mistake in callsign registered or county abbreviation or two mistakes in sent code
  • Score Round score: total points X multiplier
    Final score: total scores from rounds
    Classifications, awards Separate classifications are issued for staions from "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region and for other stations
    First 10 classified entries from "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region receive awards. First 20 classified entries from outside "Dunarea de Jos" Euro-region receive awards.
    Mailing log address Participants are required to submit their contest logs no later than one month to
    to be announced